Oct 14, 2020
When designing a machine, the engineer is always faced with the task of dimensioning the individual components. Two concepts for the analysis of machine elements are available for this purpose: The Finite Element Method (FEM) or the Machine Element Method (or analytical or standardized method) based on standardized calculation rules. However, the two methods are not in competition with each other, but complement each other.
The calculation programs KISSsoft and KISSsys combine standardized methods with FEM calculations on different levels of analysis. This synergy has the advantage that the very fast standardized methods generate input data for the FEM calculation without additional modeling effort.
The results of the FEM calculations of the gear body deformation and the 2D and 3D tooth root stresses are now additionally displayed directly in KISSsoft. This means for the user a significantly faster evaluation of critical components and critical areas as well as a better control over the calculation than before.
The usual graphics such as FEM mesh, deformation and stress according to von Mises and other graphics are provided for assessment. For a detailed analysis, post-processing with SALOME is still available (see under Auxiliary Programs).