Nov 28, 2018
In the 03/2018 release of KISSsys, you have the option of “group-based modeling”. Using it, individual finished assemblies can now be extracted from existing gear designs and then combined with other groups. For example, a shaft can be cut into parts at any point and then merged together with a different shaft in a different assembly (e.g. the shaft from a Ravigneaux set).
Recurring assemblies are also offered as basic structures in a “Group Box” library. Company-specific gear components are also created and saved in this Group Box through simple modifications. This approach to modeling gear constructions in KISSsys simplifies and accelerates the entire development process. You can use this function with the KISSsys basic package (SYS).
You can learn more about group-based modeling with the Group Box in our flyer.
Our KISSsys Training Course from March 19 to 22, 2019, will teach you how to use KISSsys precisely and efficiently in your gear calculations on the basis of practical examples. Please note that this training course will be held in English.