Aug 6, 2020
Process-dependent load spectra are often used for strength verifications. Measured data as time series must be converted into a dwell time collective for this purpose. If the time series does not contain load reversal, the "Simple Count" method comes into use.
If alternating torques occur, such as in vehicles, for example, their influence is taken into account in ISO 6336 with the mean stress influence factor YM. This factor must be determined for each element of the spectrum. In this case, the "Rainflow" method is used and combined with ISO 6336 to determine the mean stress influence.
The "Rainflow" method is now available in the KISSsoft Release 2020 (module ZZ9, in combination with ZZ1 load spectra). If you are interested in this method, request a free trial version today and take part in the web demo on August 18, 2020, which will be presented by our experts Dr. Michael Stangl, Dipl. Ing. Jürg Langhart and MSc. Eng. Tsikur.