KISSdesign - Package 2: Housing Deformation and Gear Body

Fecha Oct 8, 2024 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Bubikon, Suiza
Rosengartenstrasse 4
Bubikon, 8608, Switzerland
Idioma Inglés
Nivel Package 2
Proceso Software de Diseño
Proveedor KISSsoft AG
Duración de la clase 1 Day
Número de participantes min. 3 participants
Price Tags € 650 per person

KISSdesign® is the new powerful KISSsoft® System Module to model and analyze entire transmission groups. In this training participants will learn how to consider gearbox housing deformations for all system calculations and how to consider the gear body stiffness of gears in the calculations.  

The training is meant for design engineers, KISSsoft and KISSsys® users who would like to analyze and calculate gearboxes using a system tool.

Date and Time

The 1-day training will take place at the KISSsoft premises in Switzerland.

October 8, 2024: CEST 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Zurich)


The session will start with the theory about the requirements for the reduced stiffness matrix of a gearbox housing. In the next steps it will be shown how the matrix can be imported, how the housing deformations can be calculated and considered in the calculations. In the last part of the training, it will be shown how the gear body stiffness of cylindrical gears can be considered and the effect on the results will be analyzed.



Please bring a notebook to actively participate in the training course. If you do not have a notebook, we are happy to provide one. Please tick the relevant part of the registration form under "Participant Information" in your shopping cart.

Registration deadline: October 3, 2024
The registration for this training is done via the website. Please select the training by placing it into the Cart. From there fill out all required information and submit your registration.

Before the start of the training, participants will receive an actual test version Release 2024 and training documentation for download.

Upon successful completion of the course, a certificate is issued. 


Travel plug
Bring a travel plug for a Swiss power supply socket.


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