Gleason e-Drive Days

Date Apr 26 - 28, 2022
Formation en ligne
Langue Anglais
Niveau Basique
Procédé Taillage fraise mère, Power Skyving, Taillage outil-pignon, Rectification de la meule mère, Honing, Chanfreinage et ébavurage, Métrologie Mesures analytiques, Métrologie Contrôle Entraxe, Automatisation, Logiciels de conception
Organisateur Gleason
Durée du cours Each session 45 minutes
Price Tags for free

Gleason e-Drive Days

Join Gleason's special online event to learn about design, manufacturing and inspection of e-drive gears. The three day event features one topic per day addressing the specific requirements and challenges of e-drive transmission manufacture, with particular attention to minimizing gear noise.

The e-Drive Days are the perfect experience for newcomers and experts alike, showcasing latest developments in design, simulation, cutting and hard finishing, as well as suitable inspection and analysis tools to achieve most efficient and quiet gears.


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