Generating Grinding versus Honing

日付 2025年2月27日
Gear Trainer ウェビナー
言語 スペイン語
Level ベーシック
加工 創成歯研, ギヤホーニング
提供 グリーソン
Class Duration 45 Minutes
Price Tags 参加無料

Generating Grinding versus Honing

This webinar explains the main differences between threaded wheel grinding and gear honing. We show specific advantages and typical characteristics of each process. Finally, we discuss whether one or the other process is better suited for specific applications. This live webinar will be presented by our Gleason Spain team, live from Barcelona, Spain.

Gear Trainer Webinars cover a variety of topics on bevel and cylindrical gear manufacturing technology, including gear and transmission design and simulation, soft cutting and hard finishing processes, metrology, tools, workholding, software and 4.0 production systems. The webinars include a mix of different media including live demonstrations of processes and software applications. Gear Trainer Webinars are moderated live by gear technology experts including the possibility to ask questions via the integrated chat. Within 30 minutes, our gear-cutting experts get to the bottom of the issues, and any questions raised are addressed in the following Q&A session.

Participant data of Gear Trainer Webinars is treated confidentially and will not be published. Participation in the Gear Trainer Webinars is free of charge.


Spanish language
Ideally suited for participants in Americas and Europe
CDT 09:00 - 09:45 am (Mexico City)
ART 11:00 - 11:45 am (Buenos Aires)
CET 04:00 - 04:45 pm (Madrid)
EDT 10:00 - 10:45 am (New York)




Registration closes one hour before the start of the webinar. After registration you will receive the dial-in link to the webinar by e-mail. Please also check your spam filter. Please understand that incomplete and incomprehensible information may result in your participation being canceled.

Terms and conditions for attending Gleason seminars, webinars and training courses will be provided during the registration process.


Whatch this Webinar in English

This course is available in English as an E-Learning training course. To get started, please register with MyGleason. Viewing is free and you can watch as many times as you like. If you are already registered with MyGleason, all you need to do is log in.

Link to E-Learning