Face Mill Development on a Phoenix

日期 2024.6.03. - 2024.6.07.
The Gleason Works
1000 University Ave.
Rochester, NY 14607, USA
语言 英语
等级 基础, 高级
加工程序 锥齿轮切削
供应商 格里森
課程長度 4.5 days
參加人數 3-6
Price Tags $1,800.00

Face Mill Development on a Phoenix

The theory and practical application for cutting gears and pinions by the Gleason DUPLEX Helical completing method. Practical experience in the setup and operation of appropriate Gleason machines. Techniques used for completing gears and pinions and the use of a Gleason hypoid tester. Practical instructions for application of the Gleason RSR® and Pentac® stick blade cutter systems can be arranged as a separate activity.


▪ Blank checking.
▪ Description of motions of Gleason gear generating machines.
▪ 3D inspection of the ring gear.
▪ Setup of a Gleason generator for the pinion member.
▪ Discussion of roll test procedures.
▪ Testing the cut parts.
▪ Development procedures for completing (spiral angle, pressure angle, bias, length, profile).


Upon Completion

A certificate is issued with successful completion.



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