KISSsoft System Module: Efficiency Calculation and Load Spectrum

日期 2025.3.19. - 2025.3.20. 2:00 am - 5:30 pm
语言 英语
等级 基础
加工程序 设计软件
供应商 KISSsoft AG
課程長度 2 sessions of 3.5 h each incl. break
Price Tags Free of Charge (conditions apply)

KISSsoft® System Module is the new powerful tool to model and analyze entire transmission groups. In this training participants learn how to perform basic strength calculations in a kinematically and geometrically finished model. The main focus is on calculations using a load spectrum calculation and considering power losses. 

Participants should have knowledge about model build up.

Date and Time

The training will take place in 2 consecutive sessions.

For participants in Europe:
March 19, 2025: CET 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm (Berlin)
March 20, 2025: CET 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm (Berlin)

For participants in parts of the Americas:
March 19, 2025: EDT 9:00 am - 12:30 pm (New York)
March 20, 2025: EDT 9:00 am - 12:30 pm (New York)


Basic strength calculation with nominal load will be performed in geometrically and kinematically finished models. In addition, different gearbox operating modes will be defined. All calculation will be done using a load spectrum in the system in a next step. The last part of the training will deal with the consideration of losses and the thermal rating of gearboxes.



You will need a notebook to actively participate in the training course. For this training, we strongly recommend using 2 screens to use the software and the Sketcher in its full functionality at the same time.  

Registration deadline: March 12, 2025
Please select the training by placing it into the Cart. From there fill out all required information and submit your registration.