Live Stream Advanced: Cylindrical Gear Design, Analysis and Optimization

日期 2023.11.14. - 2023.11.22. 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
语言 英语
等级 高级
加工程序 设计软件
供应商 KISSsoft AG
課程長度 6 sessions of 4 hours each inl. breaks
Price Tags € 1'800 per person

The objective of this advanced training is to understand the fundamental theories of cylindrical gear design and analysis and to learn the application usages of KISSsoft. Participants will gain knowledge on how to interpret the gear rating, analyze reports and apply the software to improve gear design from the conceptual to the final design phase. 
The training is meant for engineers who are already familiar with cylindrical gear calculations and basic functionalities in KISSsoft.

Dates and Times
The training consists of 6 sessions spread over 2 weeks with 3 consecutive sessions per week. 

For participants  in Europe:                     
Session 1-2-3: November 14-16, 2023:   CET 2 pm - 6 pm (Brussels)
Session 4-5-6: November 20-22, 2023:   CET 2 pm - 6 pm (Brussels)

For participants in parts of the Americas:
Session 1-2-3: November 14-16, 2023:   EST 8 am - 12 pm (New York)
Session 4-5-6: November 20-22, 2023:   EST 8 am - 12 pm (New York)


The training starts with the geometric definitions and properties, manufacturing and inspection techniques of cylindrical gears. It continues with strengths rating for the analysis of various gear failure modes. 
Basic knowledge on gear contact analysis will be provided and various strategies will be explored using the KISSsoft sizing functionalities and applying them on gear design and optimization.

Depending on your KISSsoft skills and knowledge, please allow between 15 min and 1 hour of your time after the session for independent completion of the exercises.

The full schedule is provided in the training program.


You will need a notebook to actively participate in the training. It is advantageous to have 2 screens, but this is not a prerequisite.  
Hardware and software requirements

Registration closed.

Before the start of the training, participants will receive an actual test version, electronic training documentation and an invitation link to join the Live Stream training. 


Upon successful completion of the course, a certificate is issued.